Grounding and restorative classes with a focus on the mind body connection.
Bulding community with yoga
Having practiced as a psychotherepeutic counsellor for over 4 years, I recognised just how much I was inviting clients to turn inwards. To deepen their connection not just with their minds, but with their bodies too.
To me yoga is about slowing down, coming back to ourselves and developing a compassionate curiosity as we notice how we are feeling and what our body needs.
Wether you are a seasoned yogi or it is your first time on the mat, my classes cater to all abilities. Join me for one of my regular classes or get in touch for 1:1 classes or private groups.
Join me for
I currently hold regular events in the local community collaborating with small businesses in Exeter. With yoga and wellbeing at the centre, search here for coffee mornings, brunches and outdoor yoga in the sunshine.
I offer a combination of immersive weekend retreats and restorative day retreats. These will include nourishing food, creative workshops and of course lots of lovely yoga practices.
Explore my latest retreat offerings